Creative Developer & Digital Designer


MacBook mockup of the website hero
Miles & More - Landingpage

In collaboration with a fantastic design team, I had the exciting opportunity to craft a landing page for Miles & More, introducing and welcoming members to their new status program. We opted for scrollytelling, allowing users to explore the changes at their own pace, adding a personal touch to their journey.

What makes this project particularly cool is its scale. With potentially millions of Miles & More members in the program, we faced unique challenges. The prospect of reaching such a vast audience brought forth considerations like hosting scalability and ensured that every element had to be meticulously optimized for a seamless experience.

From the project's inception, the collaboration between development and design was key. It wasn't just about creating a page; it was about translating the essence of the new status program into a digital experience. Every scroll, every detail tells a story, making the journey personal and engaging for each member.

The landing page isn't just an introduction; it's a digital handshake to potentially millions of members. It reflects the commitment to delivering not just information but an immersive experience. It's a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and the excitement of creating something that millions could explore and enjoy.


Agency: Dorfjungs.
Design: Dorfjungs. Design Team
Development: me


A welcome to the new Statusprogramme of Miles & More for all their members.

Frontend DevelopmentScrollytellingMotion
MacBook mockup of the website hero
responsive mockup of the website
Next project

Adrian Wilhelm - Portfolio

MacBook mockup of the website hero

Jan Kohlbach
Creative Developer
& Digital Designer